Saturday, November 27, 2004

U.S. Air Force Selects Microsoft Software and Services In Technology Transformation Effort to Increase Security: "525,000 Software Licenses Awarded Through Dell; Microsoft to Standardize Infrastructure, Provide Support for One of the World's Largest Global Enterprises"... "The combined value of the contracts could total more than $500 million over a six-year period." OK, so in case you fainted when you read that the government saved $100 million in the article below, the gloating Microsoft version of the article makes the math pretty simple. Roughtly 500K desktops. Then 500M over 6 years. Getting out my calculator... That $1000 per seat! Now YOU may think that is a great example of government barganing power, and some government morons, excuse me, CIO, may think so too. But I bet they are paying less than that per seat for the hardware. Balmer: "Bend over General!" General: *salutes* "Yes Sir!"

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