Monday, August 02, 2004

John Kerry's real tech agenda | Perspectives | CNET "In last week's convention speech, Kerry talked about restoring the rights enshrined in the U.S. Constitution, but it's hardly clear what he meant. His campaign says that 'John Kerry stands by his vote for the Patriot Act. He even wants to strengthen some aspects of it relating to terrorism, such as improving intelligence information sharing.'" Good research here. What gets me is the disconnect between the hate-Bush movement and any objective reality. If the Patriot act is bad for privacy (andit is) it's only marginally so. But in any event how can you base a Kerry vote on being against it? If you are voting against Bush because you don't like his Texas accent, then fine, just say so, and you will be on defensible (though silly) logical ground. Most of the reasons I've heard for being against Bush (and for Kerry) are just plain silly, and don't bear any relationship to the actual positions of the candidates.

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