Tuesday, April 13, 2004

I can't help but think that images like this: 1P134753115EFF10CGP2591L5M1.JPG (JPEG Image, 1024x1024 pixels) would give NASA scientists reasons to wish they had crawled out of the crater that Opportunity landed in sooner. I raised this in Slashdot and got countered (by someone very defensive of NASA) to the tune of: "We DID poke our head out and look around (seeing in the process the paracheuttes etc)". But obviously we didn't in that process see that the area around the lander contained other indentations that were NOT craters, and it seems that those might be more interesting in some ways. Anyway, hindsight is 20-20, but If it were me, I would have come out of the crater on day 5 or so and then (depending on what could be spotted) either crawled back in, or moved off to something else (always with the potention of comming back if that didn't work out). Needless to say, its a good thing they are "extending" the mission to 5 months, otherwise the 90 days that they are now making so much of would have been not nearly enough.

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