Monday, January 17, 2005 - The Office PC Slims Down: "The Pentagon is also turning to thin clients to improve security, switching some 30,000 users in various intelligence services from Windows-based servers to Sun Microsystems thin clients. Ryan Durante, program manager, says that currently, some users have up to '13 different Dells or Compaqs under their desks,' each connected to a computer network with a different level of security. Every group of coalition allies has its own secure network, and every new network requires a new PC. After the transition to thin clients, users will simply have a Sun Ray thin client and a PC that connects to the Internet. Mr. Durante says that users are initially alarmed when they lose their myriad PCs, but when they see 'all the networks on the screen at the same time, the reaction is, 'Holy Cow!' '" THIRTEEN computers. Holy Cow indeed.

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